One of the pillars of our journey together as a faith community is our commitment to social justice. While, many congregations may claim a desire for social justice, here at St. John’s, Social Justice is our first name. While we may be small in number, our desire is big in heart. Virtually, every worship experience highlights the justice side of our Biblical teaching. Many in our congregation frequently participate in local mission opportunities—some share with other congregations in homeless ministries, while others serve on social action boards for immigration or veterans affairs, and others advocate for Human Rights or Women’s issues. Preparing and sharing a Thanksgiving meal to hundreds in the Miami community is the passion for even others.
Every year, our congregation actively participates in the Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade so to show integration of all people and to have fun. We have sponsored the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, The Task Force Gala, Justice for Our Neighbors (legal help for the economically disadvantaged), Branches (community support in all ways), 5 High School Gay/Straight Alliance Clubs (for understanding each other and ending bullying), and the list could go on. We encourage our members to be out in the world and fighting for all of God’s beloved children, in all ways that we need in this divisive world.
Reconciling Ministries Network: As a reconciling congregation, St. John’s welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as visitors, members, and staff, including its clergy. In 1997, St. John’s became the first United Methodist church in Florida to become a reconciling congregation, linked to the Reconciling Ministries Network of the United Methodist Church. In 2015, when the US Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is constitutional, the St. John’s congregation chose to open its Sanctuary for all weddings, believing that “Biblical Obedience” requires us to fully love our neighbor as commanded by Jesus and oppose unjust church law.