We gather for worship every Sunday morning at 11am. Our worship is a lively dynamic time in the “Ancient/Future” style, and you will find that no two worship experiences are exactly the same. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion every month, varying our Communion liturgy and process from the uber-traditional (albeit not very often) and ultra-contemporary, not feeling bound by the traditions of any period or era of faith practices.
We are a “beach church” you know! Here people feel welcome wearing anything from suits to jeans, or shorts & t-shirts – so please come in whatever makes you comfortable (although if you are wearing a bathing suit we ask you to also wear a cover-up so as not to change the focus of worship). You can help yourself to coffee/tea/hot chocolate, etc, receive a bulletin, and make yourself at home in any pew.
All children are very welcome in worship. We promise no one will look at you funny if your child squirms or cries. We love hearing kids in church and most children really enjoy being in our worship services. For children who may not love it so much, an usher can provide your child with crayons and coloring sheets. Infants and younger children are also welcome to join Iris, one of our experienced Montessori Academy Teachers (who is located in the back of the sanctuary), where she will guide them through age-appropriate activities.
Our objective for worship is to create a time of song, praise, and reflection where everyone and anyone find an experience of God. We provide spiritual guidance, acceptance, inspiration, and support to all and offer uplifting, intelligent, and transcendent potential in our worship.
While someone born and raised in the church will find the “familiar,” someone who feels “de-churched” or who is “unchurched” will find enough guidance, information, and informality to feel comfortable participating fully!
You will find our worship, while it is clearly Christian, respectful of other spiritual paths, and we welcome people of any and all faiths (or no faith) to join us without fear of being proselytized. Many of our folks are in inter-faith relationships and we strive to make our worship feel “safe” to all our non-Christian friends and family!
We have a small but awesome choir and we use music from lots of times, places, and realms—including secular popular music from the culture at large. We do, sometimes, sing those hymns from your Grandmother’s church, but we strive to not sing them at “funeral pace” and we never ask you to sing theology that we fear could be offensive.
We welcome everyone at the beginning of worship, but we do NOT ask visitors & guests to introduce themselves, or even identify themselves in any way. In addition, we have done away with the “Passing the Peace” ritual which we know many people love, but research shows newcomers dislike vehemently!! So, in recognition of our community as a very transient and vacation-oriented place, we no longer ask everyone to shake hands or hug everyone around them.
We do treasure our time together at the conclusion of worship (in the back of the sanctuary), where we gather for finger foods and fellowship. This is a time of casual conversations and getting to know each other better. Both of our pastors are around if anyone wants to discuss the worship themes or sermon points, or pull them aside for a prayer together. We encourage newcomers to stay, even for five minutes or so, so that we might introduce ourselves in a more individual, personal fashion!
Whether it’s the 1st, 2nd, or even the 10th time you join us, we hope you will fill our a contact card with your name and email, address, or phone numbers. We will not put you on a scary mailing list, or bombard you with information, but we would like to send you a sample of our newsletter and get your feedback on what you experienced with us. We would also like to send you and invitation to coffee with one of our pastors. We hope you will visit our welcome table at the back of the sanctuary, and feel free to ask any questions you might have about the church.