Look What has Happened.

(Here in Florida and across the Country)

The voting from this years annual conference sent a singular and resounding message to the rest of the United Methodist church; the progressive way forward, is the most popular way forward. With an almost 3 to 1 vote, resolutions were passed that work towards a fully inclusive conference and a vote of conscientious dissent to the traditional plan.

The elections for representation to both General Conference in 2020 and Jurisdictional Conference saw a fully progressive slate get elected by the conference.

Key Takeaways:

  • 76% of US Annual Conferences Reject Traditional Plan
  • Episcopal candidates must receive 60% of the votes in their Jurisdiction to be elected Bishop. Every Jurisdiction in the United States elected more than 60% centrists and progressives—even in the Southeastern and South Central. With no Bishops to enforce the Traditional Plan, the Traditional Plan is dead.
  • More than half of the annual conferences (28 of 54) passed resolutions in opposition to the Traditional Plan.
  • For more things going on in Florida, catch up on the latest “Pastor’s Thoughts” from Pastor Dawn.