30 06, 2022

Second Chances


Have you ever been given a second chance? I would imagine most of us have been given numerous second chances with those that we care about. Maybe it was after making a mistake at your job, or maybe it was hurting someone you love. Regardless what the case may be, we've all been offered a second chance at some point in life. This week's scripture lesson is possibly one of the most inspiring second chance stories in existence. In Acts

Second Chances2022-07-10T09:54:45-04:00
23 06, 2022

Anytime, Anywhere!


Despite contrary belief, God isn't only present on Sundays at 11am. Rather, God is present forever and always. We were reminded of this a few weeks ago when we celebrated Pentecost, and we are reminded yet again in this week's scripture lesson. In Acts 8:26-40, the disciples are going about doing ministry when Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch. They are headed down the road in mid-conversation when they come upon some water on the side of the road. The eunuch

Anytime, Anywhere!2022-07-10T09:53:17-04:00
16 06, 2022

A Statement from the DS


On June 9, 2022, the Clergy Session of the Florida Annual Conference met to approve the recommendations of our Board of Ministry for persons who had met the qualifications to be licensed, commissioned and ordained. The 55--member Board of Ministry works with the candidates over a multi-year process and then brings recommendations to the clergy session for approval. Your pastor, Kipp Nelson, was one of those being recommended for commissioning. For the class of 16 persons who were recommended

A Statement from the DS2022-06-23T10:32:52-04:00
9 06, 2022

Blessing for When You are Running on Fumes by Kate Bowler


For when you’re running on fumes Sometimes I am paper thinning at every touch. Responsibilities and duties and errands are wearing me down. There is not enough time or energy or finances or imagination. I hardly recognize myself. I can’t keep going, but I can’t rest. God, can You help me slow down? I just need a little shelter and a long breath. Give me space to curl up for a while. Hold me until I can feel my

Blessing for When You are Running on Fumes by Kate Bowler2022-06-13T15:27:50-04:00
2 06, 2022

What are your dreams and visions for the future?


This Sunday is Pentecost which is when the Holy Spirit comes upon the followers of Jesus and offers them the ability to see visions and dreams. This event in Acts 2 marks the birth of the church and the beginning of the Christian movement. It is when we start to see people taking on the responsibility of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Pentecost reminds us that the Christian faith isn't about "ticket to heaven" as much

What are your dreams and visions for the future?2022-06-13T15:25:21-04:00
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