This Sunday is Pentecost which is when the Holy Spirit comes upon the followers of Jesus and offers them the ability to see visions and dreams. This event in Acts 2 marks the birth of the church and the beginning of the Christian movement. It is when we start to see people taking on the responsibility of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Pentecost reminds us that the Christian faith isn’t about “ticket to heaven” as much as it is “a way of life.” Jesus was in the business of bringing life and life abundant to his people, and in the same way, the Holy Spirit empowers all of Christ’s followers to do the same. The Spirit given to these followers moves them outward to be a part of God’s ministry in the world.
In light of the senseless acts of violence plaguing our society, I can’t help but remember the call for us to dream and vision a more just and loving world. Pentecost reminds us that God’s work is not done and that there is still room to dream and see a world that is not yet fully here. The gift of the Spirit also enables us to be a part of God’s work in the world to make God’s dreams and visions a reality.
This week, what dreams and visions are in your heart? How can we as the church be a part of making that our reality? How can we be empowered to do God’s work here and now?
I hope you will join St. John’s and FUMC this Sunday at 11am as we celebrate Pentecost and the birth of the Christian church! We will be celebrating a few baptisms and confirmations in our midst, and casting dreams and visions for this season of joint ministry in our beloved city! You don’t want to miss it!
See you Sunday at St. John’s!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp