What Would Jesus Do…Really?: “Keep It Clean”
Harold Marrero2023-03-01T11:47:19-05:00
It seems like the New Year has just started but in fact we are just a few days away from March, which brings us into Spring. Which may trigger in all of us the desire to do some "Spring Cleaning." We can put coats away, not that we use many here anyway. We can sort through our spring and summer clothes and see what fits and what does not. We can go through paperwork to get our taxes prepared and
New things often put a little pep in my step. Whether it is a new outfit, a new pair of shoes, a new haircut, a new phone case, or even a new plant for my house, new things have a way of lifting my spirits. They don't have to be big and grand things, but even the smallest changes can make me feel like a new person. This week, we come upon Revelation 21:1-7 which tells about the newness that
One of the biggest joys in life is seeing a baby take their first steps! I have not seen this in person but I have watched numerous videos of babies taking their first steps. I often tear up! I get emotional seeing the baby's face filled with such pride...at least at the beginning. I love how those watching begin to cheer for the baby! This whole song and dance by parents and baby happens for a few days or weeks
Do you ever just feel defeated and discouraged? Life has a way of throwing us a great deal of disappointments and it's rather easy to become disheartened by it all. In the news we've heard a great deal of discouraging events. From ongoing police brutality to mass shootings to hateful and harmful legislation to local violence and so much more. There's a lot of heavy news coming our way. With all of it out there, it can be really easy to