This is the gift of Christmas. While we often think this time of year is supposed to be full of joy and happiness, it simply cannot negate the heaviness that many of us feel and experience. However, this week as we approach Christmas, I am reminded that Christ’s light wouldn’t be as meaningful without having experienced the dark.
Emmanuel (God with us) means so much to us because we know what darkness feels like. When Christ comes and shines this divine light among us, it truly lights up the world and offers us hope. It doesn’t make the dark go away, but the darkness cannot overcome the great light of Christ. This holy light of Christmas shines even in the darkness, and all can know and experience the presence of God through it all.
This week, might we each experience the light of Christ in our midst and might we share it with the world around us. Christ’s light will shine among us and because of that we are able to live in this great light.
We invite you to join us VIRTUALLY tomorrow evening for our Christmas Eve service. There will be a musical concert from 4:30-5pm and the service will begin at 5pm. This service will be live streamed from our website and our Facebook pages. Please note there will NOT be an in-person option. Due to the rapid rise of the Omicron variant and COVID cases in our county, we feel this is the best way to keep everyone safe during the holiday season. You are all invited to participate with us ONLINE or via our Facebook page.
We hope and pray that each of you is staying safe and taking care of yourselves. We look forward to staying connected from a distance! :)
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp