This can be anything that has deep meaning to you. Maybe it’s a tatoo reminding you of a profound message along your day-to-day life. Maybe it’s an article you inherited from a loved one. Maybe it’s a superstitious item that you carry with you daily. Maybe it’s even a ritual practice you do on the regular to keep yourself stabilized.
For me, I have a ring that belonged to my grandfather and a few religious pins from my grandmother. Even though they both passed away while I was in college, these pieces of jewelry serve as sacred reminders of my grandparents’ impact on my life. Just this week, I put on these pieces of jewelry as I interviewed with the Board of Ordained Ministry to remind myself of their influence and to encourage myself to be confident in my calling. These things gave me strength and courage throughout the interview process.
As Christians, the cross is a sacred symbol for us. It reminds us of God’s deep and abiding love that overcame evil and death. Sacred symbols are important for us because they carry influence and power within our mental and spiritual beings. They serve as profound reminders of our inherent worth, our divine purpose, and our sacred connection to one another.
This week in worship we will be reading from Leviticus 16:1-22 which talks about sacred rituals that were practiced in ancient Israel. While they look different than things we might do today, these practices were indeed sacred symbols serving as reminders of God’s presence and calling upon their communal life. These practices shaped and formed their community and gave them the courage to keep moving forward in their spiritual journey.
What are your sacred symbols? What are the things that remind you of God’s deep love for you and your deepest purpose in life?
I pray that each of us might hold onto these symbols and allow God to work through them to remind us that we are loved and called. Although we may miss the mark from time to time, these symbols remind us that God’s love is steadfast and God’s eternal presence is with us.
This week, might we especially draw near to the power of the cross, remembering God’s abiding love with and for us always.
I hope you will join us for worship on Sunday in-person or online at 11am! Have a great weekend!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp