My Peloton workout yesterday was a “climb ride” which means that it is a constant climb through the whole workout. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be until we increased the resistance about 3 times without a break in between. Before I knew it I was shouting in pain. I thought for sure there would be a time to breathe before we went into the higher climb, but I thought wrong. The workout just got more and more challenging with each step of the climb.
In life, we often may feel a similar way. We don’t realize when we start the journey how lengthy of a ride we have just joined. We are convinced there will be breaks along the way until we realize how out of breath we actually are.
The truth is we are often faced with one hardship after another. Just when we feel as if we are getting close to the end of hardship, something else slaps us in the face. It’s as if this hill we are climbing has no end to it.
This week in worship we will be reading from Numbers 13:25-33 which is a moment the Israelites think they may have a break. They are on the edge of Canaan, the land that has been promised to them, when they hear a report from the spies that this will not be an easy undertaking. The Israelites are simply ready to give up. They’ve been in this wilderness for so long and they don’t know what more they can give.
Along the climb, they have to be reminded that God is with them. Sometimes the journey leaves them feeling weary to the point of giving up, and it takes courageous leaders to help them remember God’s promise. It takes a tremendous amount of faith to keep going amidst the hardship.
My prayer this week is that you remember that GOD IS WITH YOU. Even though the journey may seem difficult and never ending, God has promised to be with us through it all. God will see us through.
I hope you will join us in worship Sunday online or in person at 11am!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp