Has anyone ever given you this advice before, “don’t waste your breath….”
Maybe you were upset with something and wanted to complain.
Possibly you knew your words would fall on deaf ears.
The truth is that we do waste our breath a lot. Some things need to be said but many things do not need to be said. Oftentimes our complaining, gossip, yelling, lying and negative speech are all wasting our breath.
This week we end our series on the Psalms.
The Psalms are full of words. The Psalms are written words that were intended to be spoken in worship.
The Psalm for this week is the last Psalm in the entire book of Psalms. The last verse in the book is “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.”
The Psalm reminds us of what we are asked to do with our breath, praise the Lord.
When we praise the Lord with our breath we don’t waste it. Praising God changes us!
We are renewed with hope in our praise.
When we speak kind words to one another we are not wasting our breath.
When we lift up others in our words towards them we are not wasting our breath.
This week, let us each examine what we are using our breath towards.
Let us not waste a breath- but use each to create, build and hope with God!
See you on Sunday at 9:45am at Greater Bethel AME for our joint service of worship!
Pastor Audrey