These are the words Jesus called out to the men who would become his disciples. They were out fishing at the time, and as soon as Jesus called out to them they dropped their nets and followed him.
Yet, I am wondering how difficult it may have been for them to leave their things behind and follow Jesus into a world of unknowns.
Today, God similarly calls each of us into the unknown and that is never easy. While we may be focused on the daily stresses of work and life, here God reminds us of what is important and that is sharing God’s love. We are each called to leave behind many things and follow God into the work of sharing God’s love with people.
Jesus said to the disciples, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of people.” In other words, “Follow me and I will teach you how to draw people into community shaped in and by love.”
So, what might you need to leave behind today and this week to follow God’s call? How might we better step into the work of loving God’s people?
This week, might each of us have the faith to follow God even into the world of unknowns. Might each of us receive God’s love and offer that to all those we encounter along the way.
We hope you will join us this Sunday for worship in person or online at 11am at St. John’s on the Lake UMC!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp