Have you ever been surprised by someone else’s generosity?

In the last few weeks, I have really been struck by the generous hearts that helped us host the Pumpkin Patch and our Fall Festival. As a relatively new pastor at St. John’s, I had no idea what to expect from these events, but I knew it would be worth the extra work. But even though I knew it would be a lot of work, it was still more than I anticipated.

However, so many people came together to help make these events not only possible, but successful. From donating funds to help offset the costs, to volunteering at the patch, to sacred conversations, people have surprised me left and right by their generosity. The hearts of people here in our community are clearly shaped by the love of God and for that I am thankful.

This week in worship we will be reading Mark 12:38-44 which tells the story of a widow who came and offered all that she had to God. While there were people there who gave much more than her, Jesus was profoundly struck and pleased by her generosity. Though she didn’t have much, she did what she could to make God’s work possible.

As you go about this week, how might you be extra generous to make God’s work possible? Maybe it’s giving someone kind affirmation, maybe it’s volunteering at a nonprofit or ministry, or maybe it’s making a contribution to a purpose or mission that you believe is doing Kingdom work.

Might we all relish in the generosity that has been bestowed upon us, and might we extend that generosity outwards to make God’s visions possible here on earth. Let us all be surprised at what God can do with what we have to offer.

I hope to see you in worship this Sunday at 11am!

Peace and blessings, 

Pastor Kipp