This is a frequent word of advice we might receive from trusted people in our lives. However, we all know that letting go is just hard. When something we care about so much is on the line, it’s hard to relinquish our control of the situation.
This week, we come to a passage of scripture from Mark 10:17-31. Here Jesus instructs his listeners to not just follow the commandments, but truly to follow him. He doesn’t just mean following his advice, he means following in his footsteps. He is telling people to truly let go of their lives and to live like him.
These words of advice are so incredibly difficult to put into practice. Letting go of the life we have always known is extremely uncomfortable. It leads to a vulnerable state where we have little control. It leads us to a place where we are forced to trust in God’s faithfulness above all else.
This week, what might God be calling you to let go of? Maybe it’s a luxury in your life, maybe it’s a relationship, maybe it’s a perception, maybe it’s something else. Whatever it may be, know that God is present and faithful among us.
As we learn to let go of things we often hold so close, might each of us experience new joy and freedom in our relationship with God.
I hope you will join us for worship this Sunday at 11 am as we discuss this idea a little more in-depth! See you soon!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp