You are the light of the world! We may not always feel like it, but this we know is true! Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 that WE, God’s people, are the light of the world spreading God’s love to all.
This week we continue going through Paul’s letters in our series, Falling Forward, and now we come upon the letter to the Philippians. For a group of people who have grown weary and tired, Paul reminds them of the good work they are doing and says to them, “You will shine like stars in the world.” He reminds them that Christ is alive in them, enabling them to shine the light of God’s love.
Often I think we forget that Christ shines in us. If you’re anything like me, we can get down on ourselves and be succumbed to self-doubt and criticism. We sell ourselves short by believing we are less valuable than we truly are. And yet, today we are reminded again that WE ARE LIGHT. Christ’s light is alive in us even when we can’t see it.
God longs to use us like stars in the world, but we first have to believe it. We have to accept that we are loved and cherished by God, and that we are indeed vessels of God’s light.
This week, what may you need to surrender to God in order for the light to shine a little brighter? Where might you need to give yourself a little more grace? What is the good work that God is already doing through you? The truth is, God’s light is shining in and through you!
Today, might each of us take some time to reflect on the light within us and open ourselves up to become a vessel of God’s light in the world!
We hope you will join us this Sunday in person or online at 11am for worship! Sunday is Pie Day, which is when we start reflecting on which “slice of the pie” we may contribute to God’s work in our ministry over the coming year. We invite you to bring any type of pie to share after church as we worship and fellowship together!
See you Sunday!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Kipp